Joe Barza, an international Master Celebrity Chef, is world-renowned for his specialization in Lebanese Cuisine. With more than 30 years of professional cooking and kitchen management experience, he positions himself as the Lebanese Terroir Culinary Artist.
After all these years with dedication and achievements, in 2009 Chef Barza introduced his brainchild: ‘Joe Barza Culinary Consultancy’ specializing in food and beverage consultancy, kitchen design, recruiting services and training activities.
In addition to being featured on major international media channels including CNN and The New York Times, Chef Barza won the World Champion title for cooking tuna dish in Sardinia, and received many international recognitions and awards including but not limited to the “Master Chef” designation in 2010. He was also appointed as a jury member in many international culinary competitions and head judge in the Emmy Award-winning television show “Top Chef” in its Middle Eastern version in 2011. Moreover, he is selected as regional brand ambassador for Procter & Gamble, Hilton Middle East, and NKD Pizza.
His portfolio is home to over 30 brands of consultancy and endorsement, 100 local and international events participation in 27 countries, and 25 Lebanese Cuisine promotion events in international hotels and culinary establishments. Additionally, in 2006 Chef Barza, in partnership with renowned photographer Roger Moukarzel, launched “” which is an online cooking hub for professionals and amateurs.